Festive tips for an energy efficient Christmas
As the heating turns up and the Christmas shopping begins, it is still important to consider how we can still be energy efficient whilst enjoying the festivities. We have some energy saving tips to help you have a warm and sustainable Christmas.
Turn down your thermostat
When you’re cooking this Christmas, turn the thermostat down a few degrees, as plenty of heat is already being generated from your appliances.

Switch to LEDs
We all love to see the twinkly Christmas lights, however this of course increases energy usage. Consider replacing old tree lights with LED lights which use nearly 90% less energy than incandescent lights.

Save while you're away
If you're going away this Christmas or visiting friends and family, be sure to switch off appliances, Christmas lights and turn down the thermostat - this will save energy and reduce your carbon emissions and bills.

Showering smart
Although you might be tempted to have a long soak in the bath, a showers uses much less water and could save you a lot more energy, but warm you up just as well.

Keeping warm for less
Keep your home cosy and stop the heat escaping by closing all the curtains at night. Pulling furniture slightly away from the radiators will help them circulate the hot air better keeping you and your family nice and warm.
Source: Energy Saving Trust