Keeping up to date with Worcester

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Why fluctuating UK temperature have strengthened the case for heating controls

Why fluctuating UK temperature have strengthened the case for heating controls

Published: 15-10-2018

Find out how fluctuating UK temperatures are making the case for heating controls.

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Household Gas Supplies Are Under Pressure

Household Gas Supplies Are Under Pressure

Published: 13-10-2018

Gas supply checks to properties affected by pipe changes could be improved says Worcester Bosch. Find out more.

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Landslide Which? Results for the Ninth Consecutive Year

Landslide Which? Results for the Ninth Consecutive Year

Published: 02-10-2018

All Worcester Bosch gas and oil boilers have been awarded Which? Best Buy status.

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What to look for in a new boiler guarantee

What to look for in a new boiler guarantee

Published: 01-10-2018

Learn more about what to look for in order to get the best boiler guarantee for you and your customers.

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Enhanced Danesmoor and Greenstar oil boilers go low NOx

Enhanced Danesmoor and Greenstar oil boilers go low NOx

Published: 30-09-2018

Our range of Danesmoor and Greenstar oil boilers comply with the ErP Directive update on NOx emissions.

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Callum Megarry Crowned as Apprentice of the Year

Callum Megarry Crowned as Apprentice of the Year

Published: 22-08-2018

Callum Megarry has won our Apprentice of the Year competition. Find out more about our winner here.

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